Activity Validation
In order to validate a users activity and prevent them from minute farming (staying in game AFK and getting minutes added), add a setting which allows Workspace owners to form a validation method to ensure the minutes that Hyra says a player does, is spent actively.
Best way to do this would be to check a players MINUTES : MESSAGES SENT ratio. Workspace admins could set a limit such as for every 5 minutes, 1 message must be sent. If their minute:message ratio is below this, activity won't be tracked for their time spent ingame.
This would allow for more efficient and true time tracking and prevent players from attempting to AFK farm minutes, to appear more active than they actually are.
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Where I see validation could be a useful addition, this sort of thing does not work in some cases. For example, checking movement can be afk'd. Chatting can also be afk'd. Farming minutes would still be able to happen. In another case, if we wipe out the fact that minutes could still afk'd, the question is what limit would group owners impose on their staff, and will those be made public?
Issues could arise where an employee is working, but does not meet the minimum guidelines (set by hyra) causing them to not be tracked for the time, leaving them to contact the HR departments to resolve the situation. In my expert opinion, the only way for this to become a thing, isn't for hyra to introduce a solution, but rather on hyra to allow modifications to their codebase for developers to provide custom time tracking implementations such that we as developers can control if minutes are given during each cycle or not.
Going with this approach also has several issues. Because it isn't explicitly available to all developers (because not all can actually make such a system) will cause them to be in the same boat as right now, or asking hyra for other options. Or, the same issues as outlined above with either bypassing the anti-afk measures, or even them being active but not being tracked could arise.
A different way to approach this to see how active players are would be custom events. Allowing developers to log specific actions that a user takes... such as serving a customer or cleaning the rooms, could instead give a deeper understanding of player activity. This solution does not affect minutes in-game or assignments, but you would be able to look into their activity to see how much work they got done in their play session, which in turn would be a good metric to see how much they worked. But to play devils advocate again... if they get no orders, does that mean they aren't working?
All things to think about as always. Just wanted to speak to say its not as simple as a minute:message ratio as if I get no customers, I get no minutes? Not truly fair.
I believe this feature is vital for all workspaces and everyone should upvote
Can also make strike systems easier too - if minutes are invalidated, we can easily issue Hyra warnings for that
This would 100% prevent people from minute farming, and help us out alot.
I totally agree with this. this would help workspace admins to prevent farming of minutes within their games.