
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We've been at work on little updates to make Hyra even better.
  • Updated API endpoints to introduce time off capabilities into public API
  • Changed avatar colour logic to make users have the same colour every time
  • Fixed an issue where themes would display incorrectly on certain sign up
  • Updated plans allowed to purchase ranking to allow annual subscribers who signed up during a reduction period
  • Various Swagger schema changes
  • Other performance and stability updates
Banner with message 'Bug Fixes'
We've been hard at work fixing bugs this week - here's what's been fixed:
  • Fixed an issue where you could not add or remove minutes from users
  • Fixed an issue related to label based filtering
  • Fixed an issue where permanent bans could not be searched
  • Other minor bug fixes and stability fixes




Better views

Better Views
We're been hard at work revamping our Views feature based on customer feedback. Here's what we've got in store for you:
New Views Layout
We've switched from the previous tabular layout to a new grid-based layout that makes it even easier to keep on top of your KPIs.
Labels - In Views
You can now see, change and create labels directly from views
Sessions Hosted Metric
You can now see how many sessions someone has hosted this week or last week from the views.
Trello Integration - Now In GA
You can now integrate your HR board with Hyra, allowing for comments and strikes to be directly connected to Hyra automatically.
Google Workspace Enterprise - Now in GA
You can sync your Hyra workspace to your Google Workspace tenant to sync users over directly.
Search anything... now with full Roblox search
Search Anything will now also search the whole of Roblox to give you the full picture
Order Logs - Grouped by Servers
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We're rolling out Order Logs grouped by Roblox server and the ability to join the affected Roblox server from Hyra
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Bug Fixes 🐛
  • Fixed issue where markdown would be very spaced out due to invalid formatting
  • Fixed possibility to inject HTML elements into page using markdown
  • Fixed issue with security via 'Share a thought' song feature accepting non-approved songs
  • Fix issues with text truncation on Intranet cards
  • Upgraded fraud detection on checkout
  • Fixed an issue where Trello integration would not increment warnings issued this week
Bug Fixes
  • Minutes in game UI has been improved on mobile devices
  • Various parts of the UI now have empty states
  • Partnerships now have a message to state they are closed
  • Status page has now been embedded on main site and log in page
  • Cleaned up console by removing unnecessary debugging output
  • The logbook now supports markdown
  • 'Search Anything' now supports searching by first name, last name and known as
  • 'Search Anything' now allows you to search deprovisioned users, who will show in grayscale
  • The Hyra user service will now resolve Developer applications
  • Fix to Knowledge UI where empty state would show in light mode while user was in dark mode
  • File names on Logbook are now decoded so that they show correct encoding
  • Links on the logbook now open in a new tab
  • Fixed an issue where the Ranking Dashboard would show the graph with New York offset if your timezone offset was 0
  • Fixed an issue where user's would not receive an email when logging in at a new location due to priorities issue
  • Changed email for new log in from to
  • Fixed an issue where Knowledge would not let you upload Google Docs links if the link returned a status other than 200.
Bug Fixes
This week we've been focused on fixing bugs and doing housekeeping. Without further delay, here's the full list of changes:
  • Items on the Order Log now aggregate the quantity by the name of the item.
  • Migrated DateAgo pipe to newer version which is bundled in a distinguished module for faster load times
  • Logbook attachments are now secure and can only be accessed for 1 hour after loading the page
  • When deleting a logbook, the associated files and videos will also be purged from the CDN
  • The Logbook now has a public API to create and delete entries
  • Documentation for Roles and Assignments
  • Decreased proxy latency and improved reliability by removing backbone and connecting to servers directly
  • Migrated back to private infrastructure for compute (previously on Railway) due to outages/instability
  • When changing the time of a session, it will now delete future affected sessions to prevent duplicates
  • Fixed an issue where the Nexus guard was extremely slow at first load.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to hydrate the Staff UI using Search Anywhere.
  • Fixed a bug where various filters did not work on views, i.e. minutes, sessions attended, etc.
That's all for this week - we've got more features on the way in the next few weeks so stay tuned!
Speed Improvements Launch
This week we've been focusing on
We've reworked our Sessions feature to make loading sessions up to
10x faster
based on our testing.
The following product areas are also now ✨ faster ✨
  • Order Logs
  • Permanent Ban Logs
  • Permanent Ban Comments
  • Staff Dashboard
We've also chopped down the amount of bandwidth used when navigating Hyra by up to 10MB per page!
Little fixes
  • Updated shading on covers to make them easier to see if they're bright
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
We're back again for another update!
Covers V2
First up, Covers
This week we've introduced a brand new way to express your brand on Hyra.
This feature allows you to upload your very own cover image to the main homepage of your Hyra workspace, giving your Hyra its own look.
For more information on this feature, please see our documentation.
New Staff Dashboard
We've taken into account feedback of our customers and redesigned the Staff dashboard.
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We started by redesigning our top performing section to feature 6 cards instead of the previous 3 or 5. This is now the same on all screensizes.
We have also brought back
Currently Playing
from Hyra V1. This was a much requested feature.
Finally, we've finished off by adding an All Assignments Completed section which aggregates the total progress towards all assignments across your group.
Improvements to Orders
We've done some reshuffling of the layout of Orders in the Players tab.
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The submission time of the order is now pushed to the bottom and you can see the avatars of all involved in the order. We've also made some changes to full history.
Avatars are now square and more colourful
We've made all avatars squarish and boosted the colours.
Bugs Fixed and other changes
  • Removed gradient effect from assignments
  • Added version number to support widget
  • Clarified support tickets are via email once submitted
  • Fixed issue where navigation had no padding
  • Fixed issues with uploading files that exceeded a certain size
  • Added additional items to Search Anything...
  • Fixed issue with assignments not updating their mark date if changed from Monday to Sunday weeks
  • Increased overall ratelimits
Search Promo
Today, we begin our rollout of our new 'Search Anything' feature, which allows for rapid navigation.
When designing our Search Anything feature, we wanted it to be more than just a page search. It's a Swiss Army Knife of utilities packed into a tiny footprint.
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With our Search Anything feature you can:
  • Search for pages like Activity and quickly navigate with the hit of the enter key.
  • Search for Staff on your Workspace, instantly
  • Get the current time
  • Get the current time of any timezone by name (e.g. 'time in New York'
  • Get the current time for any Workspace member (e.g. 'time for Duckzye')
On the way soon is the ability to search for someone's birthday (e.g. 'Duckzye birthday'), an AI based recommendation engine, ability to search for someone's minutes (e.g. 'Duckzye minutes').
All of these features are part of Hyra's ambition this year to make everything available at your fingertips. Powering this system is new technology that has never been seen before in this industry.
We can't wait to share more 'Search anything' features with you soon. If you have any ideas of what you'd like to be able search, please leave them on our Feedback board.
Other changes and bug fixes
  • Dark mode has now been moved out of early access
  • Fixed an issue where the layout would be unscrollable in certain contexts
  • Fixed aspect ratios of images
  • Updated view hydration logic in various places
  • Brand new super fast search for Session Roles, powered by Search Anything
  • Fixed Audio API
  • New login locations now result in an email
  • Remove references to legacy 3rd party tooling
  • Various security improvements to authentication
As we step into the New Year, we are excited to announce a significant speed enhancement to our Views feature. After conducting an in-depth analysis, our team has identified and addressed several bottlenecks within our existing Views system. Key improvements include:
  1. Optimized Pipeline:
    Adjustments to our system pipeline have been implemented, ensuring a more efficient and faster processing experience.
  2. Advanced Session Attendance Logic:
    We've upgraded our logic for handling session attendance, which is now faster and more responsive.
  3. Improved Non-Computed Filters:
    The introduction of non-computed filters reduces server load, facilitating quicker and smoother Views rendering.
These enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to improve Hyra's performance and user experience. We're constantly working behind the scenes to bring you these and many more improvements, ensuring Hyra remains a top choice for your needs.
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We've just launched brand new documentation for our Help Centre and Developer APIs.
We've taken into account all user feedback on our old documentation when building our new one.
Check it out:
We hope you find this new resource useful.
Sam and Carl (Docs Team)
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